
These little drops of blood told me quite a story. I had a live and dry blood analysis and spent an hour with Georgette (Tadasana Wellness) talking about what was going on. This blood gave me a look at my health and provided us with some insights on what tools I need to improve my health. Super cool! Any-who, I’ll be doing a candida cleanse so any tips or recipes that you have would be appreciated! 


Some people like to complain about the weather. I am one of those people but usually only complain when it’s cold, snowing or raining. Last week we had a huge snowstorm in Pemberton and this week was spent on the beach in Mexico. Wow, quite the different in temperature and my own mental health. 

Here are some pictures of both experiences (note: I’m misserbale when digging out my car):

End of a Blairera Part 2

Since July 2012 I have been working for Whistler Transit (well, almost that whole time). I took a brief “sabbatical” to work for a different company and help out with communications for a TV show. Last March I returned to transit for an undetermined amount of time to help out. Simultaneously, I was running my PR company… which I started in 2008. As it so happens, my client list grew longer and longer and my plate became quiet full. This is awesome because this has all been via referrals!

So, I made a decision: it’s time to leave my current role at Whistler Transit.

The reason I built my own company was so that I can live the life that I’m meant to live. Being creative. Marching to the beat of my own drum. Traveling when I want to. Controlling my income.

My journey with transit isn’t fully over but my current roll is. The team is fantastic and I will truly miss working with everyone.

So, if you need me I’ll be creating conversations and managing perceptions in Pemberton, Vancouver, the beach, the mountains and basically anywhere with Wifi. Want to learn more about my PR Company, you can visit to check me out.

Wedding Planning Part 1


Our wedding is going to be on August 18th in Whistler which means I have just over 6 months to plan things out. I’m pretty organized and already have my venue, dress, menu, videographer, photographer and a few other things sorted out. I can see how this is stressful and expensive but I’ve learned a few things in the month of planning that I’ve done:

  • Sign up for Wedding Wire. It’s free and it has a budget tracker, list and even an option to create a free website (which I did, obviously). A friend told me about it and I’m so happy with it. It’s an organized person’s dream. I can hook up my guest list with my RSVPs with my seating chart and more! Engaged? DO IT!
  • Don’t go dress shopping alone. I was going to go alone but 2 friends ended up coming with me on a trip to Seattle where I just so happened to try on dresses. I didn’t think I would find my dress on this trip but it was the 5th dress I tried on. I cried. YUP. I also drank champagne from a can with a straw to celebrate.
  • Find a few hotels that offer a discounted rate for guests and let out of towners know. My wedding is during a busy time in Whistler and a lot of people have already booked their rooms (the invites haven’t even gone out yet). I know that they appreciate me being on the ball so they can be on the ball, too.
  • Ask for help if you need help. This goes for everything.
  • Start a Pinterest board with your siblings or best friends. You can make it a secret board or public but it’s a great place to be inspired for all things wedding related.
  • Remember, it’s YOUR wedding so YOU do what YOU want.


Wedding planning should be fun and if you are organized it shouldn’t be too stressful. Do you have any tips for newly engaged ladies out there? Add them in the comments below!

Healthy Blair

image002Well, life is busy and time is moving fast and one thing that I have to spend more time on is my health and fitness. I’m back on the fitness train and trying to get to yoga at least once a week. I’m working on with a talented personal trainer, Sylvie Allen, and I’m hoping to get my core workout in 3 days a week. In a few weeks, my life schedule will change and I’ll have more “me” time and I CANNOT wait! Along the way I picked up a few tips and tricks and wanted to share them with you:

1. Have a goal and a plan. It doesn’t have to be numbers based but you should have something that you are working towards. This helped me stay motivated.
2. Find the time to move and find the time of day that works best for you. I’m a morning person. I like to wake up and workout before coffee or breakfast or work. I know that at the end of my day I’m more tired and so it’s easier for me to sink into the couch than sweat it out on the bike.
3. Dill tastes good on almost everything. YUM!
4. Popcorn is a great snack and I like to sprinkle coconut oil on it (it’s very low in calories).

5. What you wear to gym/yoga DOES matter. Make sure you have good runners with a lot of support.
6. Drink a lot of water and find the trick that makes you do it. I like lemon water. I like to drink water from a straw. I also REALLY like sparkling water and my Soda Stream changed my life.
7. Sweat it out to good tunes. Find songs that motivate you and rock out while you sweat it out.
8. Have fun. Find something that you enjoy so you like spending time getting healthier.
9. Nutritional yeast isn’t as gross as it sounds and I’ve been enjoying it on eggs.
10. Work with a professional. Maybe it’s once a week or once a month? A yoga teacher will make sure you are aligned and a personal trainer will make sure that you are performing the exercises correctly.

When I’m in good health I am happier and more creative and a better person. So, wish me luck on my health journey! What are your tips and tricks that you like to follow?