
How do you like to spend the hottest days of the year? Most people like to spend these magical days swimming or indoors with the air conditioning on full blast, but not me. On one of the hottest days of this summer I decided to get my first laser hair removal treatment. Why laser hair removal? Well there are many reasons and here are a few of them:

·I HATE shaving my lady parts. Nothing is worse than those red bumps, especially when you need to be in a bathing suit.

·Razors are annoying and I’m often too lazy to change out my dull ones (which I do change but it’s a hassle).

·Waxing sucks. It hurts. Also, I once glued my hand to my body with the wax and that was lame.

So, my good friend’s mom, Sally, owns the Lionsgate Laser Clinic and I decided to give it a go. Now, I’m someone who has tattoos and have broken many bones, but the experience I was about to have was a different level of pain. I’m not saying this was the most pain I have ever been in, but this was a “different” type of pain. I mean, we are lasering off hair with a LASER. So, Sally fully prepared me and here is what I learned:

· Make sure to use the cream that she recommends, like XYLOCAINE, (rub in and goop on) about an hour and a half before the treatment. Seal it with saran wrap.

· Take Advil before, during, after (kidding, don’t OD on the Advil).

· ICE is your best friend! Ice the area you are having treated RIGHT before it is treated.

· Aloe vera. Use this and ice after your treatment.

I’m also getting me armpits “done.” As Sally says, “the pits are the pits!” It is true and it’s more painful than lady land. I may have cried but Sally coached me through it. She was very supportive and I don’t think I could have done it without her. Once it was over I realized that it wasn’t so bad after all and I’m just like Thomas the Engine (I think I can, I think I can…). Sally is the best in the business!

So, I’ll be having 5 sessions and so far I’ve had 1 (well, broken into 2 because I was too hot). I have already noticed a significant difference in the lack of hair growing back. I’m excited to see the results after round 2! Imagine all of the money you will save when you no longer have to shave. I can’t wait.
